Kutaisi Irakli Bazadze street №9
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English Language - A1
Russian Language - C 2
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature ИВ № 249159
Academic/scientific degree
Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University Slavic literature
About the publication of Russian literature of XVIII century Candidate of Philological Sciences № 00 19 91
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature
Teacher of Russian Language and Literature
Scientific publications of the last 10 years
Text and non-textual reality based on A. Pushkin's story The Undertaker.
International Science Time magazine №2 2015 88-93
V. KventareI. Zumbulidze
Koltsov's Value in the History of the Development of the Russian Literary
Language Periodical scientific journal "Goni", Kutaisi. №2 2014 195-198
V. Kventare I.Kikvidze I. Zumbulidze
Problems of the journalistic nature of Russian literature
Periodical scientific journal "Goni", Kutaisi №1 2014 144-146
V. Kventare
F.Dostoevsky in the context of Russian postmodern prose
Slavic Studies in the National Environment №1 2013
V. Kventare
Russia,Cheboksar - Moscow
1. Diploma of International Olympiad Organizing Committee of Russian as Foreign Language 2016
2. Diploma of International Olympiad Organizing Committee of Russian as Foreign Language 2015
Additional Information