Tsagareishvili Konstantine



Tbilisi State medical Institute.


Doctor Г-1№173443

The Chair of Skin and Venereal Diseases Tbilisi State medical Institute.


Dermatology venerology

Moscow Central Skin and Venereal Diseases Research Institute.


Dermatology venerology

Moscow Central Skin and Venereal Diseases Research Institute.


PhD МД № 031184

Academic/scientific degree

PhD МД № 031184

Work experience

Kutaisi A. Tsereteli State University, Medical Faculty



Kutaisi A. Tsereteli State University, Medical Faculty


Assistant Professor

Kutaisi A. Tsereteli State University, Medical Faculty

Since 2014 up to now

Associate Professor

Scientific publications of the last 10 years

Some date from the epidemiological survey of psoriasis in Georgia. Abstract.

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Volume27 Supplement 4 July 2013 p.40
Tsagareishvili Konstantine Chijavadze Nino,

“The role of alcohol in the emergence and course of dermatosis.” Abstract.

2-th International Transcaucasus Congress on Photodermatology and Skin Cancer. October 27-29 2016 p.49-50
Konstsantine Tsagareishvili

Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for Linear Dermatoses

International Journal on Immunorehabilitation Volume19 №1 June2017 p.59
Konstsantine Tsagareishvili

“Cost of topical therapies for patients with psoriasis in Georgia.” Abstract.

8th International Congress “Psoriasis from gene to clinic” 30th November-2th December 2017 p.120-121
Konstantine Tsagareishvili

Importance of the Dermatologic Manifestations, Epidemiological Data, and Laboratory Testing for the Diagnosis of Some Infectious Diseases with Manifestations on the Skin (the series of clinical cases). Abstract.

3rd International Transcaucasus Congress on dermatology and aesthetic medicine 16-18 June 2022 p.27
Konstantine Tsagareishvili

On The Issue of Treatment of Acne

Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University 2 (16) 2020 239-256
Natia Chubinidze, Nino Abulaze, Konstantine Tsagareishvili, Pavel Iavich.


Allergology and Immunology Official Journal of the World Immunopathology Organization Volume24 №1 2023 p.48-49
K. Tsagareishvili, T. Valishvili, M. Shavianidze

Scientific conferences

The 4th Congress of Psoriasis International Network, “ Same date from epidemiological survey of Psoriasis in Georgia.”

2013July 4-6.
Paris, France

2-th International Transcaucasus Congress on Photodermatology and Skin Cancer “The role of alcohol in the emergence and course of dermatosis”

2016. October 27-29.
Tbilisi Georgia.

V European Congress on Asthma and COPD IX Georgian National Congress on Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “The Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for Linear dermatosis.”

2017 June28-Luly 1.
Tbilisi-Tskhaltubo Georgia

8th international Congress “Psoriasis from gene to clinic” „Cost of topical therapies for patients with psoriasis in Georgia“.

2017 November 30-December2
London, United Kingdom

VI European Congress on asthma,copd&respiratory allergy. X Georgian National Congress on allergy,asthma&immunology Pustular Psoriasis-modern therapeutic approaches

2018 15-19 June,
Tbilisi, Georgia

The International Summer School in Dermatology. Psoriatic Erythroderma And Pustular Psoriasis- Modern Principles of Management

2019 15-17 July,
Tbilisi, Georgia

XI Georgian National Congress on allergy asthma & immunology. VII European Congress on asthma, COPD and respiratory allergy. I international congress on covid-19: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation Topical therapy of psoriasis. 6 May

2022 4-7 May
Tbilisi, Georgia

Georgian session in the frame of the IUSTI-E 2022 congress Dermatitis linearis (Paederus dermatitis): Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristic.

2022 29 September
Tbilisi, Georgia

XII Georgian National Congress on allergy asthma & immunology. VIII European Congress on asthma, COPD and respiratory allergy. II international congress on covid-19: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation (Symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Akaki Tsereteli State University) Treatment and Rehabilitation of Chronic Dermatoses.

2023 3-5 May
Tbilisi, Georgia

XII Georgian National Congress on allergy asthma & immunology. VIII European Congress on asthma, COPD and respiratory allergy. II international congress on covid-19: prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation (Session of Dermatology for Primary Care Physicians) Evaluation of the clinical severity of psoriasis.

2023 3-5May
Tbilisi, Georgia

Projects and Grants

An international, multicentre, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study to assess the efficacy and safety of RV2552FRY0479 emollient cream versus RV2552F RY0655 excipient cream in children suffering from Atopic Dermatitis during the maintenance phase#36 Principle Investigator


Guideline - Protocol, Maia Datuashvili, Nino Chijavadze, Konstantine Tsagareishvili. Topical treatment of psoriasis. Approved by the Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, No01-150 /o, 21 May 2015

2014 May 20

Guideline - Protocol, Maia Datuashvili, Nino Chijavadze, Konstantine Tsagareishvili. Topical treatment of psoriasis. Approved by the Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, No01-150 /o, 21 May 2015

2014 May 20

Trainings and Seminars

2013 November 08 Tbilisi
“Modern Aspects of Vitiligo Diagnostics and Treatment”

2013. 14–19 November Tbilisi
Masterclass on dermatology, dermato oncology, dermatopathology and dermatosurgery (25h)

2013 20 April Tbilisi
Dermatoscopy Workshop under the supervision of the International Dermoscopy Society(IDS)

2014 October 16-18 Tbilisi
Course on Dermatologic Surgery, Course on Aesthetics. 1st Transcoucosus International Congress on Photodermatology and Skin Cancer

2020 February 6-7
Modern Assessment methods in MEDICAL Education (OSCE, OSPE)

2020 November 12-13-14
The experience of project 30519” Establishment of the Supra-Regional Network of National Centre in Medical Education, focused on PBL and Virtual Patient-e PBL net “

2023 October 30
I International Conference of Georgian Nail Research Society III International Conference of Georgian Hair Research Society